The truth about Bill Gates’ depopulation strategy

Björn Behn
6 min readApr 18, 2020
Photo by CDC

[Warning: This article is important.]
When a crisis suddenly hits us and our world is shaken, we begin to question what we know. We are shocked because “we did not see it coming” and it is painful when our illusion of control is shattered. Now, two things can happen: 1) We can either learn from this shock and update our world view with new facts to be better prepared for future shocks. 2) Or our desperate desire to make sense of this world makes us susceptible to believe any explanation that provides a coherent story of what has happened. To listen to anyone who confidently gives definitive answers that calm down our worried mind. Since our trust in our own assessment of the world is broken, we look for alternative assessments. Since the sources of information that we relied upon before have failed us, we look for sources that are different from our previous ones, more “critical”. We go down a a long and dark rabbit hole of conspiracy theories.

Unfortunately, there are strong forces trying to push us into the second direction. This article will lay out a few of those forces, in the hope of giving you some guidance in your search for answers. The deeper down you go into that rabbit hole, the more damage you do to yourself — and to our democracies. Let me explain.

Conspiracies pushed by actors with political motives

During the 2016 presidential election in the USA, Russia learned crucial new lessons about interfering in the domestic affairs of its adversaries. They ran a campaign using cheap social media tricks to influence millions of voters and they figured out that all they needed to do was to sow distrust. Distrust in public institutions, in science, in government — and amongst citizens. No need to make up a convincing narrative that challenges the status quo, or to secretly brainwash US citizens with a hidden agenda and new values. No, just create distrust and division — as soon as citizens stop working together and start working against each other, the foundation of a democratic society starts to erode. When there is no trust in the government to do what is right, no trust that ones vote will matter, a democracy cannot function any longer.
If you haven’t read this article about the Russian Internet Research Agency yet, please do so.

The weaker other nations become, the more influence Russia can yield. The more occupied other nations are with their internal affairs, the easier it is for Russia to push forward its own geopolitical interests. The more time Americans spend discussing whether Hillary Clinton runs a child-sex ring in a pizza restaurant, the less time they have to worry about how Russia is using “U.S. enablers to achieve major foreign policy goals without disclosing those interests”.

In other words, when you spend your time investigating how exactly 5G caused Covid-19, or what patent Bill Gates owns on which coronavirus, a Russian internet troll has done a successful job. You got owned.

The Mueller Report and other intelligence reports laid out the mechanisms of the Russian disinformation campaign in detail. With this knowledge at hand, lawmakers could have adapted and put protections in place to stop similar interference from happening again, or even drawing conclusions about future types of interference. Since the Republican Party itself regards fair elections as a threat to its power, though, they have blocked the proposals to protect US elections from this type of interference.

The only ones who learned from the revelations of Russian interference appear to be the Chinese, who have run similar disinformation campaigns in Hongkong and around the outbreak of the new coronavirus. Since information flows globally and the same few tech platforms are used everywhere, this affects other nations and Europe as well.

Conspiracies pushed by actors with financial motives

The big tech platforms (Google, Facebook, Amazon,…) operate by a logic called “Surveillance Capitalism”: We work for them by spending hours on their services, scrolling, liking, posting, uploading, sharing, creating profiles — basically handing over our existing data and creating new data points for them. This data is used to build behavioral prediction models, which are sold to advertisers, who use them against us to exploit our fears and weaknesses to sell us stuff. Great.

The more fearful, angry and enraged we are, the more likely we are to click on a link and keep up our data generation work for the platforms, making them more profit. Due to their business model, they have an incentive to turn a blind eye to the harmful effects this enraging content has on their users and to ignore any warning signals about who buys ads and how they pay for them.
YouTube allowed a conspiracy theorist to spread his dangerous and absurd theories, e.g. that the US government is using chemicals to turn people gay, for years and to reach an audience of millions, supported by Youtube’s video recommendation algorithm. That guy made about 20 million USD in annual revenues — and YouTube earned by the ads they could sell on his content.

Guided by the formula “enragement is engagement”, a group of teenagers in a small Macedonian village started running pro-Trump fake news website in the run-up to the 2016 election. The traffic they were able to generate earned them small fortunes: One teenager “earned nearly $16,000 off his two pro-Trump websites. The average monthly salary in Macedonia is $371.” Facebook could make changes to its algorithms or to its business model to change those incentives — but it has become evident over the last years that Mark Zuckerberg is not willing to sacrifice a single dollar of revenue, but prefers to give an awkward, sweaty testimonial to the US government every few months.

Everything you need to know is happening in plain sight

The big crises of our times are all happening in plain sight, extensively covered by the mainstream media and known to all of us.
- Climate change.
- Humans either dying in wars in their home countries.
- Or dying when they try to get away to save their lives.
- Ethnic cleansing and human rights abuse.
- European civil liberties under threat.
- Income inequality.
- The downfall of democracies.
- The rise of populism and right-wing extremism.
- The impeachment of the US president.
- And a Republican Party willing to keep him in office despite his abuse of power.
- Putin assassinating his critics.
- Duterte.
- Bolsonaro.

Please pick any of these topics to worry about and spend your time investigating them. These are costing lives. These are real. These can be changed.
Don’t become a Russian or Chinese tool to undermine our democracy, or to help some Macedonian teenager boost his pocket money.

It is a comforting thought that someone somewhere has control over everything that is happening. That everything is following a great plan, hidden from us, and if we only dig deep enough, we will be able to reveal it. Able to understand it all, make sense of it and take back control.
Unfortunately - and luckily - this hidden plan does not exist. No reptiloid rulers. No Illuminati. No “worldwide cabal of Satan-worshiping pedophiles who rule the world, essentially, and they control everything. They control politicians, and they control the media. They control Hollywood, and they cover up their existence, essentially.”

Just random outcomes of a complex system. What a relief.
The future is in our hands.

Take care of yourself.

© Jacob Samuel for New Yorker



Björn Behn

Interested in all ways to understand this world. Looking for questions, not answers. Curious about the human and the digital. —